1 Way to SUPERCHARGE Life Expectancy of RV Slide Out
Slide outs on RV's revolutionized RV interior living space. Most RV's built today have at least one slide out.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do to protect your slide out is keep it covered when it is extended.
Slide Topper Awnings are an affordable way to protect the roof, exterior seals, and moldings on the slide out room from direct exposure to the elements. They keep debris like sticks and leaves from accumulating on the roof of the slide and potentially puncturing or tearing the roof membrane. They also eliminate the need to "sweep off" the rooms before putting the room in.
We inspect hundreds of potential trade-ins every year. The first area we inspect on the exterior and interior of the unit is the slide out area. It is common to find SOME TYPE of water penetration/water damage on slide out rooms or tears in the roof membrane or seals that HAVE NOT BEEN COVERED or properly maintained. This can DRAMATICALLY REDUCE the value of your RV. This experience has prompted us to STRONGLY RECOMMEND to all new and used unit purchaser's to have included in the price of their new RV or used RV slide topper awnings installed over all slideouts on their new camper.
This INSURES that the slideout rooms are protected and also will increase the value of your unit when you decide to trade in your RV or sell your RV on the open market.
The bottom line is this: The COST of installing slide toppers on your new RV PALES IN COMPARISON to the cost of RV service repairs related to slide out room deterioration. Ask your sales associate at Tri City RV to install Slide Toppers on your next RV purchase!